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2012: The Moment of Mormon Diversity

While he officially secured the Republican nomination last March, Mitt Romney’s primary victories in January 2012 all but guaranteed that, for the first time in …

By Max Perry Mueller

The Table

What Romney Wouldn’t Say

During his long pursuit of the presidency, three M-words rarely passed Mitt Romney’s lips: Massachusetts, Mandate, and Mormonism. This first two silent M’s were, at …

By Randall Balmer


How Mormons Became American

Acentury ago, it was once a simple matter to assume a norm for American culture and situate the Mormon well outside it. Polygamy was likened …

By Terryl Givens


Is 2012 America’s “Catholic Moment?”

For many politicos and pundits, Mitt Romney’s ascendancy to the top of Republican presidential ticket has marked the high point—so far—of the much-hyped “Mormon Moment.” …

By David Gibson