Religion & Politics is an online news journal, dedicated to the two topics thought unfit for polite company. It is a project of the John C. Danforth Center on Religion & Politics at Washington University in St. Louis.

We feature articles from scholars and journalists who proceed from a single premise: that for better and for worse, religion and politics converge, clash, and shape public life. These intersections happen everywhere, from our homes to our courts, from the statehouse to the schoolhouse, in the lab and on the battlefield. We strive to publish a range of views, rather than promoting a specific political perspective. We honor frank and respectful debate. We inform these discussions by taking the long view, providing historical context, critical analysis, and thorough research with compelling writing.


Marie Griffith
Director, John C. Danforth Center on Religion & Politics

Managing Editor

Editorial Intern
Elijah Wiesman

Point Five, NY: Alissa Levin, Benjamin Levine, Nathan Eames

RAP Sheet: Tavis Coburn
The Table: André Da Loba
The States of the Union Project: John Hendrix

Editorial Advisory Board

Asad Ahmed University of California, Berkeley
Marla F. Frederick Harvard University
Ari L. Goldman Columbia University
Kevin Eckstrom Washington National Cathedral
Melissa Harris-Perry Wake Forest University
Paul Harvey University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
M. Cathleen Kaveny Boston College
T. J. Jackson Lears Rutgers University
R. Gustav Niebuhr Syracuse University
Mark A. Noll University of Notre Dame
Robert A. Orsi Northwestern University
Leigh Eric Schmidt Washington University in St. Louis
Mark Silk Trinity College
Jonathan L. Walton Wake Forest School of Divinity
Diane Winston University of Southern California
Michael Sean Winters National Catholic Reporter
Robert Wuthnow Princeton University

John C. Danforth Center Advisory Board

Thomas O. Bean, David L. Boren, David Brooks, John C. Danforth, Gerald Early, Sarah Barringer Gordon, Arsalan Iftikhar, Ruth Langer, Charles Marsh, John T. McGreevy, Jon Meacham, Eboo Patel, Barbara D. Savage, Alan K. Simpson, Mary Stillman, Krista Tippett, William G. Tragos, Jonathan L. Walton

About the Center

Made possible by a generous gift from the Danforth Foundation, the John C. Danforth Center on Religion & Politics is named for former United States Senator from Missouri and ordained Episcopal priest, John C. Danforth. The Center serves as an ideologically neutral venue for fostering rigorous scholarship and informing broad academic and public communities about the intersections of religion and U.S. politics. We are committed to supporting and enhancing outstanding scholarly research on the historical and contemporary intertwining of religion and politics; disseminating excellent scholarship by means of courses, public events, and publications such as Religion & Politics; and fostering debate and discussion among people who hold widely different views.